Thursday, July 30, 2020

Our Origin and how we made it apart: Views of sixteen year old, Aditi Hurpade.

Ahh, here is another exploration day on earth. It's 11:57 pm on my system. I started my day as usual at 7 o'clock but something motivated me to have this post on blog. Few days back I got mail from my little cousin sister with essay attached to mail. Today 2nd read of it really made my thoughts traverse.
Due to covid-19 situation we, each of us, has explored different perspective about life and surrounding. Following are views of Aditi Hurpade. Currently she is in 10th std. fyi: This essay got 1st prize in Pune Area. But this is something more than essay, thats what I believe.

Sorry this is only in Marathi. Let me see if I can translate this in English without disturbing emotional context in it.

Thank You